Monday, July 12, 2010

First Day Back at Work

Today I went to work! It was really nice to feel "normal." I drove myself and had a great day catching up with my co-workers and outlining the next couple of weeks.

Integra has really been great to me, allowing me to keep my job (even though I'm still in my probationary period) and working with my treatment schedule. For the next couple of weeks they've allowed me to work in half-day increments, depending on my strength, and allowed me to work from home when commuting is overwhelming.

In the corporate world we live in it's great to know there's still heart and compassion at its foundation.


  1. I love AOL! Finally got on by using aol acct!!!
    HA! Watch out now! mom

  2. Are you on double-secret probation? Damn you Deltas!

  3. Hey Jeff, good to hear you are back at work. It is crazy to think of you going through what you are going through. Hang in there! I know you have a lot of support -- that is vital. Seems like we were just talking about your DVT issue and the move to Boston (when we were in Colorado)... since then, a lot has happened here too. My mom was Dx with small cell lung cancer so me and my brothers/sisters have been taking her to chemo and radiation... she has two chemo treatments left before her next scan. She is doing ok. I am familiar with the port issues and all the rest. She has not had much nausea since she has been a smoker for more than 60 years... Also, my wife Ewa and I had a baby girl May 14. Chloe' Ludwina Muehlbauer was 7 lbs and 7oz and 22 inches long. She is 2 months old today! I will have to send you and your mom and dad a photo... Tell Lindsay and Kim I said hello. Take care, Eric M.
