Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Still Chemo

The delivery of Yondelis is much better than AIM; a simple 24-hour infusion over a 72-hour hospital stay where someone is taking my vitals every 4-hours. Sleeping in my own bed is a bonus and I feel fine during the delivery of the drug (during the infusion) which makes me feel like I gained an extra day. This is all true.

The recovery of Yondelis is much the same as AIM. Even though it's less toxic, I get the same nausea and fatigue I got after AIM. I guess it's still chemotherapy. As with AIM, I'm sure I'll get more used to the side effects of Yondelis and the next rounds can only get better.

Three days out and I'm starting to tailor down my nausea meds which is an improvement over the 5-6 days with AIM. If this works out, it'll mean I can get two good weeks of being normal and one week off for medical leave; thus gaining an extra week. But before I get ahead of myself, I will rest and keep you updated.

Due to the AIM washout waiting period / chemo date shuffle, I have the next three weekends to enjoy chemo free. Mom, Dad and the sisters will be in town this week which will be a good kickoff to this little break.


  1. yay!!! thumbs up buddy!!! miss ya

  2. Terribly glad that it's, at least, better. To those extra weeks and days of feeling normal!! xx

  3. I have high hopes for your new treatment, Jeff! We miss you in Dallas and think about you often. Hope to get to see you sometime soon. :)

  4. Hi Jeff,

    I wish you the best with the Yondelis, and I like the critter that watches over your man-bag. He's cute! See you soon.

  5. hey Jeff! your brazilians fans are following you. so post some nice words in portuguese!!!! Wishing you a fast recovery,
    Emiliano Vialle and family
