Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dallas Bound

This should be exciting.  Autumn and I have been planning a trip to Dallas from December 17-27.  Additionally, I've been invited to a work meeting in Dallas on December 11th.  Being that my next treatment starts December 6th, I am planning on traveling to Dallas December 7th, still hopped up on steriods, and spend the next couple days recouping at home before my meeting.

As a contingency plan if I cannot start my chemo on December 6th, I will return to Boston December 12th, start December 13th and fly back to Dallas with Autumn on December 17th as originally planned.  Isn't traveling around chemo schedules fun?!?

The plan will be to bring Benson on December 7th and have him spend time with his cousins, nieces and grandparents until December 27th.  And in the event that all goes well, and I can start my chemo on-time, I've already gotten approval to work from Dallas December 12-17.

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